Cure Mental illness- M Kaleem Arshad Psychiatrist

Psychiatrist job is a difficult profession. If you are actually looking for a cure then you need a complete consultation that helps you to be healthy and fit again. You will get suitable diagnoses and events so that your mental condition will get better and your mental ill health will get eliminated. M Kaleem Arshad MD is the person who understands your condition in the best possible manner and one should not neglect his or her mental issues and seek the discussion of a psychiatrist at earliest.

If your mental health is in better condition state then you will be physically also healthy and fine. Remember a fit brain is a healthy you and for this, you can consult M Kaleem Arshad MD. While engaged in personal practice, he has held more than a few leadership positions in a variety of psychiatric hospitals and institutions from the past last three decades.

M Kaleem Arshad MD has also served as Medical Director and Chief of Medical Staff at Methodist Psychiatric Pavillion. He also worked in Psychiatric Pavilion of New Orleans, Seaside Behavioral Center and Oceans Behavioral Hospital of Greater New Orleans. With this state of mind to help poor and deprived people, Dr. Arshad explains that everyone needs cure and prevention is always better than cure. While the rates of geriatric suicide are at present high, prevention programs can considerably decrease suicide among the old people.

M Kaleem Arshad MD says that it is important to consider the greater than before risk of depression and suicide for patients afterward in life. There are a number of ways to relieve the pain and make a difference for understanding the red flags for suicidal tendencies. When a full assessment is done by a psychiatrist like M Kaleem Arshad MD he/she starts to set down medication for a particular mental disorder. Those medicines assist in harmonizing the brain chemistry.


M Kaleem Arshad, MD addresses links between depression and suicide in the elderly

While there are countless reasons why an individual may choose to take their own life, the majority of those who commit suicide, estimated at close to 90%, are believed to have been suffering from substance abuse or an underlying mental illness, such as depression.

That’s according to M Kaleem Arshad, MD, of New Orleans. “This is often due,” he adds, “to the way in which depression alters an individual’s mental health, prompting feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.”

The risks are pervasive throughout the U.S. according to M Kaleem Arshad, MD, and no single group is at higher risk than the elderly. The National Institute of Mental Health currently estimates that at least 6 million individuals aged 65 and older exhibit symptoms of depression which are severe enough to require treatment.

“It’s worth noting that due to the stigma surrounding mental illness which is common among this generation, diagnosing depression in elderly patients can be more complex, for example, in comparison with a younger cohort,” reveals the medical professional.

M Kaleem Arshad MD goes on to explain that many elderly persons feel that conditions such as depression are indicative of weak personality traits, as opposed to physically based. “As a result, older patients suffering from depression may be hesitant to talk about their symptoms or perhaps even try to ignore them completely,” he adds.

“Perhaps the most pertinent question,” says M Kaleem Arshad, MD, “is ‘depression or dementia?’”

While depression can be common among the elderly, it can be difficult for healthcare professionals to accurately diagnose mental illness in older patients, according to M Kaleem Arshad MD, as dementia may exhibit many of the same symptoms.

“For example,” says the doctor, “some symptoms common to both depression and dementia include apathy, social withdrawal, isolation, loss of interest in activities or hobbies, difficulty concentrating, and impaired thinking.”

“Given the fact that more than 5 million Americans are living with dementia,” he adds, “it’s important to carefully screen patients exhibiting these symptoms to help determine proper diagnoses and timely interventions

M Kaleem Arshad MD has been engaged in private practice of psychiatry in New Orleans area over last 30 years with special focus on psychiatric care of elderly . He has directed inpatient geriatric facilities and have advocated to improve the access and availability of mental health services for seniors . He is Board Certified in Geriatric Psychiatry and is Assistant Clinical Professor in Geriatric Division of Internal Medicine Department at LSU School of Medicine . He is former President of Louisiana Psychiatric Medical Association and a Distinguished Life Fellow of American Psychiatric Association.

Kaleem Arshad MD

Kaleem Arshad MD – As a famous Life Fellow Kaleem Arshad MD has achieved the uppermost honor bestowed upon the psychoanalysis profession. The honor is awarded to excellent psychiatrists who have made noteworthy contributions to the psychiatric profession in as a minimum five of the following areas: scientific scholarly publications, administration, teaching, and volunteering in mental health and medical activities of social significance, community participation, as well as for clinical brilliance.

Arshad M Kaleem MD